The steward I don’t know

“Thank you !” said the man, as I passed him the mug kept on my work table in the office. I see this man everyday, looks like he hasn’t taken a leave since a very long time. He is a short heighted and dusky man in his early sixties. The tiredness from the work clearly shows on his worn out face. He often covers his mouth with a mask as a part of the health protocol for stewards in our company.
He quietly takes the mug from my table and moves further to check other workstations. Slowly he moves out of my vision as he progresses through the cubicles, and I get back to my work of jamming lines of code on my laptop. After everyone is done eating at office, and the cafeteria is empty, I see him along with his co-workers sit and eat food. Occasionally I see him gossiping or cracking a joke with other stewards. Most of the time he is busy cleaning other peoples’ tables or washing utensils in the pantry. I never saw him leave the office during evening. Maybe I leave earlier than him, maybe he leaves earlier than me, who knows? It doesn’t matter.
I wonder what his life would be once he goes home. I wonder how his home would be. I sometimes then go on thinking about who all would be there in his family. I long to know more about him. I feel he is very content in his personal life because his eyes always seem full of gratitude. As he returns home, his wife and children are waiting for him. I think he has grandchildren too, with whom he plays after going home. I am sure he would be an affable and loving grandfather. Post dinner he would also narrate them tales of superheroes. As he approaches his own bed, the entire days’ fatigue and exhaustion makes him fall asleep instantly.
Next day, I see him again, cleaning tables in one of the rooms. I have never spoken to him, maybe I never will. I wonder what all I pondered about him would be true or it is far from reality as I slowly progress towards my workstation to start the day.